The Bolt

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In the northwestern region of Stoffton, the eastern building in Old Stoffton is vacant. You can enter the building, and it can be renovated if you decide to follow Yosef's non-marriage storyline (default).

Open Hours 9:00 am - after midnight
Address Stoffton
Occupants no-one lives here (see spoilers)

Inside - vacant

Bolt Abandoned.png

Inside - spoiler

If you choose to follow Yosef's quest, the inside of the building will change.

If you encourage Yosef to pursue his dreams of opening his own business in Stoffton (default setting), you will be able to visit the renovated hangout that he will call "The Bolt". The front room has two pool tables and an area for serving fruity beverages. In the back of the building is a room for playing cards or tabletop games. Yosef also builds a studio apartment for himself in the back of the building.

Bolt Opened.png

Rocky Ford *ALL*DwarvesGoblinsHoltz FarmOld Schafer HouseSchafer CabinSchafer RanchVogel HouseVogel Shed
Stoffton *ALL*AcademyAlApartmentsBlacksmithBoardingClothingDrinksFishFlowersGemsGroceryMill OwnerPicklesSugarDropTemple of YobaTextile MillVacant
Other CrossroadsNew Farm
Marriage Candidates AlexandriaBrinaClayEbbeFabianaJulianaOdoQuinnSilasVashaWillXen
Candidates with Options DahliaJosefMacRolfYosef
Non-Marriage Candidates AlAlunaErikFelixFionaGarthGerhardGretaHelmutIgnasIslaJohannaKendriaLeanderLexiMakenaMarinaMatiusNadiaOliveOttoRhysSeleneTomasUnice
Non-Human Characters EmalikFilosoofGfvolIratxoaPxurkZsopk
Family Trees AlexandriaClayQuinn & VashaSchafer FamilyWillOther Residents
Other Mods FostoriaSimple Bigger FarmsFamily Ties