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Erik is married to Nadia and runs the Grocery Store in Stoffton. Erik was born and raised in Stoffton and attended Stoffton Academy. He is the same age as Otto Schafer from Rocky Ford, and they have been friends since school. Erik's family owned the building in which the Grocery Store is located, and as other properties became available, Erik has purchased several of them. He leases most of his properties to other businesses, but in addition to the grocery, he owns and maintains the rental apartments on the second floor of the building.

Several years after finishing his studies, Erik was on a trip to a country far from the area where he met his wife Nadia. He considered relocating, but when he happened to mention that the head teacher at the Stoffton Academy would soon retire, Nadia instead suggested they move to Stoffton. Erik and Nadia have twin adult children, Quinn and Vasha, both of whom are marriage candidates.

As one of the larger property owners in Stoffton, Erik is an active part of the town council.

Birthday Fall 22
Lives In Grocery Store
Address Stoffton
Friends Otto
Family Nadia (wife)

Quinn (marriage candidate)

Vasha (marriage candidate)

Family Tree Quinn & Vasha's Family
Marriage No
Best Gifts Fiddlehead Fern, Artichoke, Duck Egg, Blackberry

Schedule (in brief)

Most days, Erik can be found working in the Grocery Store from 8:00 am until 8:00 pm. On Sundays, he attends the temple of Yoba before returning to the store.


In addition to the universal gifts, below are the character's specific preferences:

Reaction Gift(s)
Loved Fiddlehead Fern, Artichoke, Duck Egg, Blackberry
Liked Fruit Salad, Goat Milk, Large Milk, Salmonberry
Neutral -
Disliked Void Mayonnaise, Unmilled Rice, Truffle Oil
Hated -

Heart Events

Two Hearts

Enter the Grocery Store.

Four Hearts

You receive a letter.

Six Hearts

You receive a letter.

Eight Hearts

Enter the Grocery Store.

Rocky Ford *ALL*DwarvesGoblinsHoltz FarmOld Schafer HouseSchafer CabinSchafer RanchVogel HouseVogel Shed
Stoffton *ALL*AcademyAlApartmentsBlacksmithBoardingClothingDrinksFishFlowersGemsGroceryMill OwnerPicklesSugarDropTemple of YobaTextile MillVacant
Other CrossroadsNew Farm
Marriage Candidates AlexandriaBrinaClayEbbeFabianaJulianaOdoQuinnSilasVashaWillXen
Candidates with Options DahliaJosefMacRolfYosef
Non-Marriage Candidates AlAlunaErikFelixFionaGarthGerhardGretaHelmutIgnasIslaJohannaKendriaLeanderLexiMakenaMarinaMatiusNadiaOliveOttoRhysSeleneTomasUnice
Non-Human Characters EmalikFilosoofGfvolIratxoaPxurkZsopk
Family Trees AlexandriaClayQuinn & VashaSchafer FamilyWillOther Residents
Other Mods FostoriaSimple Bigger FarmsFamily Ties